Our product is a super concentrate of ORGANIC foliar fertilizer with supportive elements to boost growth of the root system and activate natural immunity against the stresses, droughts or pests.
Plant can naturally intake around 30% of nutrients from the soil. Our product gives the plant a signal to absorb up to 90% of all nutrients needed for its development, which causes activating defense mechanisms, intake of the right nutrients needed by the plant, faster growth, vitality, richness of the plants and increase of the harvest from 20 – 60% when used for crop farming. Typical soil fertilization can be lowered by 80%, depending on soil/plant neediness.
The concentrate enhancing the efficiency of protective and nutritious liquids, which contents a soluble complex of inorganic salts and tartaric and citric acids affecting positively the photosynthesis in plants and boosting the efficiency of plant protecting liquids above all.
The concentrate is applicable on corn, sugar beet, potatoes, maize, forage crops, hops, grape wine and horticulture, as well as to improve the vitality of ornamental and fruit trees and grass plots . The concentrate can be applicated with success also on green lands (football grass, Golf course, parks and forest parks).
Advantages of application of agent on plants
- growth of biomass (with all treated plants)
- higher profitability from fruits
- increased sugar content (sugar beets, wine grapes, all fruits)
- increased amyl content (with potatoes)
- increased gluten content (cereals)
- reduction of nitrates volume (early maturing and root vegetables)
- vitality and higher resistance against diseases (all treated plants)
- max. exploitation of nutrients (with all treated plants exploitation of nutrients raises to 90%, when not treated the rate amounts 30% only)
- concentrate could be mixed up with nutritional and protective preparations
- very easy and energy modest treatment with application, which is practice 3 to 5 times accordingly to the growing period
- The concentrate can be applied with success also on greenlands (football grass, Golf course, parks and forestparks).

The application could be carried out by overland or aircraft spraying dosing 0,5 l of our concentrate on 1hectare 3x – 5x during the growing season. The concentrate can be adulterated with water and mixed up with plant protective preparations and with liquid fertilizers. Therefore, there are no additional spraying costs.
The concentrate has dangerous properties neither to human health nor to honey bees and the environment.
Brand and cooperation
The first option is the sale of our product brand
The second option is that we would prepare a label directly for your company name of your product
Cooperation involves signing a contract and issuing invoices for individual contracts.

The quality tests of the concentrate were carried out by different independent research institutes and testing stations as well as agriculture farms all over Czech Republic. Application and field tests were carried out also in the conditions of big farming with specific products.
Packaging option
Shipping options are different, we are able to prepare products from 0.5lt to 20,000lt. We usually send the product in a 1,000-liter package in a container that can hold up to 20 pieces of 1,000 liter.